What do we do all day at IPCP?

Each class schedule has an element of consistency day-to-day, but also remains flexible to respond to the children’s daily needs, weather and other seasonal events. Regardless, every day brings something new and different!

The teachers plan daily activities based on the interests of the children and the goals of the curriculum, and with the preschools’ natural setting, this combination provides a treasure trove of opportunities and adventure.

While these rituals look a bit different in the Toddler and Preschool classes, our daily schedule looks like this: 

Greeting Rituals are how we start each day, and Conscious Discipline plays an important role at the beginning of each day. Greeting Rituals and songs create a classroom community and a sense of togetherness within the classes.

Morning Meetings are a time to gather as a school family to connect, disengage stress, and set the tone for an exciting day of learning. Morning Mmeetings are a time for children to share ideas and practice self-regulation.

Choice Time allows children freedom to explore a variety of areas in the classroom, such as blocks, art, library, science, and much more. Children are encouraged to explore at their own pace and can choose to play on their own or with their peers. During choice time, teachers observe children using Creative Curriculum’s observational tools, facilitating interactions when necessary, and encouraging children to participate in small group projects such as art, cooking, and learning activities related to the unit of study.

Choice time is an excellent example of how teachers intentionally utilize the classroom environment to inspire curiosity and passion for learning. Teachers create “invitations to play” by setting up an array of interesting materials meant to provoke open-ended exploration.

Snack Time is a lively time and a vital link into our curriculum, and can be either indoors or outdoors. IPCP aims to nourish the whole child by providing opportunities to learn about the cultural, nutritional, and social significance of food as well as acquire and practice social skills. Children enjoy a family-style snack, which has been brought by the day’s Parent Helper.

Choice Time and Small Group Exploration in the Outdoor Classroom is when our Nature-Based Curriculum and Creative Curriculum are woven together. IPCP’s Outdoor Classrooms encompass a variety of nooks and crannies that are ever changing and exciting to explore. During this time, children are free to explore like the stump jump, sandbox, and mud kitchen or spend time looking at the clouds, enjoying a book under the shade of a tree, and interacting with the natural landscape at their own pace. They can choose to play on their own or with peers. During our outdoor choice time, teachers observe children using Creative Curriculum’s observational tools, facilitating interactions when necessary, and encouraging children to participate in small group projects that are rooted in the Nature-Based Curriculum.

Lunch Time is a time for teachers, children and Parent Helpers to enjoy open, lively conversations about their morning experiences while eating nutritious meals brought from home.

Afternoon Meeting is an end-of-day wrap up of the day’s activities and a discussion of tomorrow’s plans, ending in a lively sing-a-long. Conscious Discipline plays a role in Afternoon Meeting through rituals to help children either transition to home or to our ExtendedCare Program.

ExtendedCare is offered in both the Toddler and Preschool program. IPCP’s ExtendedCare staff consists of a combination of morning teachers who continue care during these hours as well as afternoon teachers.

Toddlers are offered a rest period immediately upon entering ExtendedCare. Children who don’t sleep can play quietly on their mat until snack time, which is provided by parents. After snack, children engage in choice time both indoors or outdoors until pick-up time. 

Preschool ExtendedCare is structured much like the morning program. Upon transitioning to EC, children participate in an Afternoon Meeting which includes a connection ritual or song, followed by story time. A rest period is offered and children who don’t sleep can play quietly on their mat until snack time, which is provided by parents. After snack, children take part in a planned activity that enriches the learning experiences from the morning program. Some activities include art, yoga, or literacy. Finally, children engage in choice time both indoors or on our playground until pick-up time.